Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011071499

International Headlines [14.07.2011]

International HeadlinesBDS: Netanyahu opposes parliamentary investigations of Israeli human rights organizations (haa) / Meretz party marks settlement goods at Israeli supermarkets (haa) / Dozens of Israeli law professors protest unconstitutional boycott law (haa) / PA to boycott companies heeding Boycott Law (ynet)
Gaza: Gaza blockade keeps Saleh away from sea (ei) / In Gaza: Lucky to have water (ingaza) / VIDEO: International solidarity boat crew attacked off Gaza coast (mweiss) / Israeli airstrike injures 5 at Rafah border (maan) / Unknown military faction fires projectile at Sderot (maan) / PFLP leader returns to Gaza after 42 years (maan) / Witnesses: Airstrikes across the Gaza Strip (maan) / 6 rockets hit Israel; IDF strikes Gaza (ynet)

Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Issawiya of East Jerusalem resists home demolition (pnn) / Yovel outpost: Israel retroactively approves theft of private land (btselem) / Israel's interior minister seeks to extend ban on family unification (haa) / IOA imposes $900,000 in fines on Jerusalemite children in past 10 months (pal-info) / VIDEO: Issawiya home demolition (ytube) / VIDEO: Issawiya, a suffocated Palestinian village in East Jerusalem (ytube) / Palestinian house demolition (Part 1) (ytube)
Siedler: In West Bank, settler violence seen on the rise ( / VIDEO: Soldiers stand by while settlers attack ‘Asira al-Qibliya (btselem) / Barak considers emergency laws against rightists (ynet)
Internationale Nachrichten: Dignitaries visit Israel to fight Palestinian statehood bid (forward) / PLO condemns UNESCO for listing Jerusalem as Israel's capital (xinhua) / Arab League to request full Palestinian membership at UN (haa) / Hezbollah: Lebanon will not let Israel seize its natural gas (haa) / Fatah: Israel extorts European countries for UN bid (maan) / PA recognizes South Sudan (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: Boycott law proves Israel's one-state vision (972mag) / Forward editorial: We can't say this (forward) / Israel's McCarthy coalition is on a dangerous power trip (haa) / The boycott law is fascist (haa) / Why Israelis must fight against the boycott law (haa)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: Songs tear down fences in Izbat Tabib (palsolidarity) / Israelis and Arabs to march in Jerusalem in support of Palestinian independence (haa)
Verhaftungen: Events organized for children of Palestinian detainees (maan) / Administrative detention extended against two Palestinian prisoners on Thursday (pal-info) / IOF soldiers detain Palestinian youth in Nablus (pal-info) / Senior prisoner returned to isolation after prison fake-out (pal-info) / British court looks into Sheikh Raed Salah's bail Friday (pal-info)
Diverses: Israel air force pilots head to US to test-fly new military aircraft (haa) / Poll: Obama's ratings plummet in Arab world (haa) / Israeli kindergartners now have to sing the national anthem every week (haa) / Tawjihi results to be announced by end of next week (maan) / Haredi radio to play women's voices? (ynet)



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