Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011070799

International Headlines [07.07.2011]

International Headlines8. Juli: Israel instructs foreign airlines to prevent departure of 300 pro-Palestinian activists (haa) / Israel police decrease presence at airport after pro-Palestinian activists stopped abroad (haa) / Tourism Ministry launches 'Welcome Mat' initiative (ynet) / Gaza fly-in organizers thank Bibi for PR (ynet) / Israel bars 300 activists from flying to Israel (ynet) / Incoming tourists receive flowers (ynet)
Gaza-Flotte: In dealing with the flotilla, Israel is anything but smart (haa) / French boat to Gaza blocked in Crete (maan) / Second flotilla ship sets sail to Gaza (pal-info) / Flotilla report delayed at Turkey's behest (ynet)

Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: South Africa ASA ruling: Israel can be labeled an apartheid state (pnn) / IOF storm Issawiya area, violently attack its young men (pal-info) / Candlelit rally in J'lem in solidarity with officials threatened with exile (pal-info)
Siedler: PA report: Israeli settler violence on the rise (maan) / More than a half million settlers in West Bank (pal-info)
Internationale Nachrichten: Abbas postpones formation of unity government in bid to appease Western allies (haa) / Netanyahu falls short of securing Bulgarian pledge against Palestinian UN bid (haa) / Turkmenistan rejects Israeli ambassador, says he is 'Mossad spy' (haa) / US renews objections to Palestinian statehood bid (maan) / China grants Israeli envoy honorary citizenship (ynet) / US: Israel included in terror watch list by mistake (ynet)
Gaza: There's more to Gaza than broken slabs of concrete (ei) / In Pictures: Women of Gaza (alj) / Remembering Vittorio Arrigoni -- Stay Human summer camp (palsolidarity) / UNRWA: Name has not changed (maan) / Egypt to increase passenger numbers at Rafah crossing (maan)
Analyse & Meinung: East Jerusalem suffers heroin plague (alj) / What is the 'right' type of resistance? (alj) / Inside Torah Hamelech, the Jewish extremist terror tract endorsed by state-employed rabbis (maxblum) / Human dignity in Jerusalem (jadaliyya)
Überfälle & Gewalt: Israeli forces surround Jenin refugee camp (maan) / Israeli soldier injured by explosion in Gaza (maan) / Fatah group claims responsibility for Gaza explosion (maan) / IOF soldiers advance hundreds of meters [into the] south of Gaza Strip (pal-info)
Verhaftungen: Children not exempt from widespread torture in Israeli detention (ei) / Israeli Druze sentenced to 8 months in prison for violence on Naksa Day (haa) / Group says three detainees placed in solitary confinement (maan) / Soldiers seize Palestinian in raid on Bethlehem camp (maan) / Israeli forces arrest daughter of Al-Bireh mayor (maan) / Nablus court sentences man to 7 years for 'aiding enemy' (maan) / Report: The number of children kidnapped this year markedly rose (pal-info) / Security arrests longest running spy in Gaza Strip (pal-info) / Tamimi still on hunger strike (pal-info) / Israeli military court sends MP Zeidan to administrative detention (pal-info)
Diverses: MADA reports 13 violations against journalists in occupied territories last month (pnn) / British documents reveal Begin refused entry to UK in 1950s (haa) / PCBS: Graduate unemployment improving (maan) / Ministers facing corruption charges could lose immunity (maan) / Leak causes Negev's worst ever environmental disaster (ynet)



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