Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011061799

International Headlines [17.06.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Palestinians stick to call for settlement freeze (khaleejtimes) / Barghouti arrives in Gaza to meet factions (maan) / Haniyeh courts Turkish PM as Israel sends wishes (maan) / Negotiator: UN bid with or without negotiations (maan) / Lieberman: Palestinian UN bid undoes Oslo accords (maan) / EU, Israel spar over peace prospects (maan) / Egypt's foreign ministry denies meeting with Israeli official (mideastmon)
Gaza-Flotte: Canadian Boat to Gaza announces the delegates who will be aboard the Tahrir ( / Israel to stop Gaza flotilla regardless of cargo (yahoo) / IHH: Mavi Marmara will not sail with Gaza flotilla (maan) / PJTV: Civil lawsuit filed today against flotilla ships by terror victim (sacbee)

Gaza: Young mechanics in Gaza dream of joining world's Formula race (peopledaily) / Palestinian desire for food security drives farming innovation (gdn) / 'UNRWA report on Gaza education false (jpost) / Delivery for Gaza medical shortages (maan) / Israel closes Gaza crossing (maan) / Palestinians urge Egypt to ease restrictions at Rafah (maan) / Egyptian authorities refuse entry of 6 busloads out of 8 at Rafah (pal-info)
Analyse & Meinung: Palestinian statehood and bypassing Israel (alj) / A response to accusations made against Shaikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement in Palestine (mideastmon)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: New excavation site in West Bank village has Palestinians on edge (972mag) / Silwan children abducted from their bedrooms (ei) / Israel displaces 67 Palestinian children from their homes in May 2011 (aic-news) / Cabinet expected to curtail Barak's power to veto West Bank settlement construction (haa) / State moves to expand settlement on Palestinian land confiscated by Jordan (haa) / 1,000 settlers visit Salfit village tombs (maan) / Occupation bulldozers demolish Palestinian homes in Negev (pal-info) / Settlers set fire to Palestinian crops; IOF troops burn olive groves (pal-info)
Entführungen: Israel: Engineer to be held for duration of trial (ajc)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: Troops attack West Bank anti-wall protests; ten injured (pnn) / Hundreds join weekly anti-wall protests across West Bank (maan)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Man to have Jewishness revoked after newspaper interview (972mag) / Yellow Pages scrambles to defend 'No Arabs' ads (972mag) / AG to Netanyahu: Stop bill giving preference to IDF veterans (haa)
Verhaftungen: Qaraqe: Prisoners' health conditions reach catastrophic levels (pnn) / Merkel, Sarkozy call for Gilad Shalit's release amid new efforts to secure deal (haa) / Report: Palestinian prisoners in Israel use Facebook (maan) / Overnight detentions bring town total to 10 in June (maan) / Prisoners brutally beaten by Israeli guards (maan) / Abu al-Suabah calls for enabling captives to sit GCSC exams (pal-info)
Diverses: Where freelance means abandoned (ipsnews) / Palestinian soccer seeks points for statehood (



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