Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011052899

International Headlines [28.05.2011]

International HeadlinesGaza: PGPF hopes for Egypt transport of Gaza-bound PVC pipes on land (bernama) / Fatah official hails brave Egyptian decision to open Rafah crossing (haa) / Kadima: Opening of Gaza border is national failure for Netanyahu (haa) / UN chief discourages a new Gaza aid flotilla (maan) / Travelers sought as Gaza terminal empties quickly (reuters) / Egypt re-opens Gaza border, partially dismantling siege (richardsilverstein) / Turkey: Israel should avoid flotilla faceoff (ynet) / Hundreds cross newly opened Rafah crossing (ynet) / Experts analyze opening of Rafah crossing (ynet) / Video: Opening the Rafah crossing (ytube)
Internationale Nachrichten: Abbas: No hope for peace talks, only option is UN recognition of statehood (haa) / Arab League to seek full UN membership for Palestinian state (haa) / Lieberman thanks Canada PM for objection to 1967 borders at G8 (haa) / 'Obama trying to head off trainwreck at UN in September' (haa) / Fatah, Hamas hold talks in Gaza City (maan) / PA preventive apparatus say they have no orders to change dealing with Hamas (pal-info) / Protests in Jordan demand closure of Israeli embassy (pal-info) / Lebanese NGO welcomes president's statements on right of return (pal-info) / Abbas: We want to co-exist with Israel (ynet)

Analyse & Meinung: 1967 borders: land swaps are no cure-all (972mag) / Netanyahu hypocritically claims that Israel is the best democracy for Arabs (972mag) / Nakba: Why did Israeli historians whitewash a short artillery attack? (972mag)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Palestinian demolishes own home in Jerusalem (wafa) / Arbitrary fines issued en masse in Ein Aluza (silwan) / Settlers to march in Sheikh Jarrah next Wednesday (imc) / CPT: Settlers torch Palestinian olive groves (maan) / NGO declares 'commercial disaster' in Jerusalem's Old City (pal-info)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: WATCH: Israeli police use stun guns for the first time against Jewish protesters (972mag) / The beauty of defiance: Solidarity in Ras al-Amud (en.justjlm) / Israeli soldiers suppress West Bank protests injuring many (pal-info) / IOF declares ‘Iraq Burin closed military zone (pal-info)
Gefangene: Israeli prisons charge Palestinian detainees for medical treatment (maan) / Man hospitalized in Hamas police custody (maan) / Israel summons Palestinians for interrogation (maan)
Diverses: Driver in suspected Nakba Day attack reenacts incident for police (haa) / Army: Rocket fired from Gaza into Israel (maan) / Palestinian 'first Arab woman' to scale Everest (maan) / Rebbe to followers: Burn your iPhones (ynet) / Introducing 'Vogue with sleeves' (ynet) / Israel ranks 145 on Global Peace Index (ynet)



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