Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011041499

International Headlines [14.04.2011]

International HeadlinesInternationale Nachrichten: Netanyahu invited to give Mideast peace speech before US Congress (haa) / EU opens market to Palestinian exports (maan) / Fatah insists 'there are no political prisoners' (maan) / Israeli tank 'enters disputed area' in Lebanon (maan) / Russia asks Israel to prove its arms were used in bus attack (pal-info) / Turkey tells Israel: Gaza flotilla not up to us (trust) / PA seeks US support for statehood (ynet)
Analyse & Meinung: Blowback: Israel's bogus narrative on Palestinian refugees (opinion.latimes) / Inside Intel - Yoram Cohen's take on Hamas (haa) / Israel must recognize Hamas government in Gaza (haa) / Video-- Krauthammer: Israel has 'given away' claim to West Bank6 (jpost)
Raub & Judaisierung & Ethnische Säuberung & Siedler: Dawn raid targets Palestinian minors in Silwan (silwan) / Israel's plan for next year's school curriculum: reinforcing Jewish and Zionist values (haa) / Israel to grant preference to settlers in gun licensing procedure (haa) / Police plan for evicting settlers from East Jerusalem building leaked online (haa) / Boy hurt in northern West Bank clash (maan) / IOF violate court decision, raze Bedouin homes in Nuwaimi‘ah (pal-info) / Palestinian says 150 trees cut down by settlers (ynet) / The new Christian settlers (ynet) / Samaria: Settlers attack Palestinian farmers (ynet)

BDS: Basque court: Waving Palestinian flag can be understood as incitement to terrorism (aic-news)
Kriegsverbrechen & Goldstone-Report: Gaza war report co-authors reject Goldstone's retraction (haa) / Statement by members of UN mission on Gaza war (maan)
Gefangene & Exil: Palestinian prisoners await light (bernama) / Seven detained across West Bank overnight (maan) / 6 including PA officer detained by Israel overnight (maan) / IOA banishes Palestinian detainee to Malaysia (pal-info) / Family of cancer patient appeals for releasing him from PA jail/ (pal-info) / PA prisoners' families call for their release (pal-info)
Awarta: Family of 20, women and children, locked up for 11 hours without food or water in latest Awarta raid (palsolidarity)
Gaza: New updates on Vittorio Arrigoni's abduction in Gaza (gazatimes) / Sands, not lights, cover Gaza archaeology sites (yahoo) / Gaza crossing operates for second day (maan) / Gaza fighter dies of wounds from Israeli fire (maan) / Video: Italian citizen kidnapped in Gaza (maan) / IOF opens fire at Gaza border areas (pal-info) / Minister orders road accessing Nahal Oz be moved (ynet)
Diverses: Still no arrest in West Bank theatre murder (yahoo)
Human Interest: Crafting the voice of Nablus (palmon)

U.S.A.: US reviewing Mideast arms sales (yahoo) / Database launch on tax day highlights US arms to Israel (blogtalkradio) / FBI files on Tupac Shakur murder show he received death threats from Jewish gang (haa)

Irak: Wednesday: 2 Iraqis killed (antiwar) / Remains of 800 bodies unearthed in Iraq mass grave (trust) / UN confirms 34 dead at Iranian camp in Iraq (trust)



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