Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011040299

International Headlines [02.04.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Mute until age four, Palestinian girl speaks like a scholar (pnn) / Is the settlement boycott misdirected? (jodana) / Signs of the times: two indications of the future of Israel/Palestine? (lbog.thejerusalemfund) / Interview with Stuart Littlewood: The Zionists wield their influence by winning the ongoing propaganda war (salem) / Israel's new military ally (jnews) / The impoverishment of Palestinian Arabs in Israel (mideastmon)
Politik & Diplomatie: Sha‘ath: Palestinian leaders mulling one-state solution (maan) / Abu Obeida: Abbas must release detainees for unity (maan) / Hamas: German mediator failed to make Shalit deal (maan) / Ban stresses concern over stalled peace talks in phone call with Israeli premier (relief)

Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: What is the Jewish National Fund? (ijvcanada) / Israeli forces erect more checkpoints in Nablus (maan) / Israel plans to seize a million sq meters of Negev land (pal-info) / Jewish settlers damage Palestinian crops (pal-info) / World Bank approves $3 million for Palestinian water sector (relief) / Activists: Settlers burn storefront in Hebron (wwwsmaannews)
Israelische Angriffe: Palestinian youth attacked while planting olive trees (maan) / Medics: 3 killed in Israeli airstrike on southern Gaza (maan) / Brigades: Gaza ceasefire over after Israeli airstrike kills 3 (maan) / Al-Qassam Brigades: Israel will pay dearly for killing three of our fighters (pal-info) / IOF kidnap shepherd, take his cattle in Tubas (pal-info)
Aktivismus & BDS: Global actions mark Palestine's Land Day (ei) / Video: Land Day gift from Argentina: BDS reaches Buenos Aires (jewssansfrontieres) / Volunteer in Gaza with the ISM (palsolidarity) / Are any of you willing to protect the unarmed humanitarians sailing with tlatest Gaza freedom flotilla? (salem) / Reality vs. propaganda: the An Nabi Saleh protests (palchron) / IDF arrests leftist protesters (ynet) / Video: Bil‘in weekly demo (ytube)
Kriegsverbrechen: Arrest warrant plans make a mockery of universal jurisdiction (gdn) / Lieberman lauds new Goldstone conclusions about Gaza war (haa) / Netanyahu to UN: Retract Gaza War report in wake of Goldstone's comments (haa) / Goldstone: Hamas failed to investigate UN allegations (maan) / Goldstone rethinks controversial report (ynet)
Gefangene: Gaza families demand to be allowed to see sons imprisoned in Israel (wafa) / Army kidnaps a Hamas leader in Ramallah (imc) / Palestinian detainees held in Egypt to be released Sunday (maan) / Palestinian female prisoners threaten protest against violations (mideastmon)
Menschenrechte: Human Rights Watch: New laws marginalize Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel (israeli-occupation)
Belagerung: Video: Egypt stops building materials into Gaza (presstv)
Diverses: Israeli lawmakers to study US Jewish community (haa) / Video: Gazans mark Orphans Day (presstv) / Facebook sued over Intifada page (ynet)

Irak: Friday: 5 Iraqis killed (antiwar)



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