Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011040199

International Headlines [01.04.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Gaza doctor's story: a painful legacy of occupation (forward) / Right for the wrong reasons (cpunch) / The US Congress's pet pariah (cpunch) / A blink of Israeli pride amid our anti-democratic fest (haa) / Married to the revolution (haa)
Politik & Diplomatie: Hamas bars Fatah commemoration in Gaza (arabnews) / Palestinian leader wants US backing in UN proposal (AP) (ctv) / Abbas urges Quartet to draft new peace plan (haa) / Brazil hosts first Palestinian 'embassy' in Americas (Reuters) (haa) / PA forces arrest bureau director of Fatah's Dahlan (jpost) / Hamas says new cabinet shuffle proceeding (maan) / US prefers negotiation to Palestinian UN drive (maan) / Gaza PM meets representative of the Jordanian chief of staff (mideastmon) / Dahlan faces partial boycott of press conference (mideastmon)

Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: More than half of Palestinians live in the Diaspora at the end of 2010 (abna) / Israel forces Palestinians to demolish their own homes (ei) / Settlers set fire to home as seven Palestinians sleep inside (mweiss) / Friday prayers canceled, clashes continue throughout Silwan (silwan) / Center: Escalation in Israeli violations in Jerusalem (maan)
Aktivismus & BDS: Report from Bil`in and meeting Jawaher Abu Rahmah (mweiss) / List of demonstrators killed during protests against the Wall (palsolidarity) / Protesters breached the wall in Bil`in (bilin-ffj) / Fayyad attends 'Last Day of the Wall' protest [roundup of Friday protests] (maan) / Bil`in protester dies after inhaling tear gas (maan) / Army shuts down Beit Ummar rally (maan) / Humanitarian aid sails on final leg of its journey to Gaza (milligazette) / Palestinian tear gas death is 'war crime' (straitstimes) / Bil`in protester laid to rest (ynet)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: A bit more about the rabbis (adam-keller2) / Israelis resist their own Arabs (ipsnews) / Report: Millions needed to upgrade East Jerusalem (maan) / Police summon Safed rabbi over racist letter (ynet) / Village pleads for electricity (ynet)
Kriegsverbrechen: Gaza war victims live in sorrow and silence (gulfnews) / In Pictures / Hamas stages mock Israeli attack to mark Gaza war anniversary (haa) / Mistaken identity (haa) / Polished his shoes (haa) / Shock and awe (haa) / Video: Gaza hosts photo exhibition (presstv)
Gefangennahmen & Deportationen: PA forces say 'wanted' Hamas member detained (maan) / PA pays Nativity deportees' rent in Gaza (maan) / Gaza ministry demands release of Hamas member (maan)
Belagerung & Freiheitsberaubung & Menschenrechtsverletzungen: Overcrowded schools in Gaza hit education (gulfnews) / Gaza crossings close (maan) / Unexplained recorders behind arrest of US national at Rafah (maan) / Sheikh Saleh visits Jerusalem's Old City (maan) / PA detains 20 at Jordan crossing (maan)
Heraufbeschwörung eines neuen Kriegs?: Militant groups in Gaza to halt rocket attacks (irishtimes) / Israel's military chief: We will not allow citizens to be fired on (maan) / Shin Bet warns of Hamas attack despite quiet 2010 (maan) / Israel: Gaza projectile lands in south (maan) / PFLP wing: 4 shells fired at army post (maan)
Diverses: Palestinian orchestra to hold debut concert in Ramallah (bbc) / Jordan Valley rattled by 3.6 magnitude earthquake (haa) / Couples who divorce recklessly to face fine (maan) / Haniyeh: We don't pursue journalists in Gaza (maan) / Israel to compensate PA for Paz fuel theft scandal (maan) / East Med gas bonanza has many perils (upi)
Anti: Canadian boat to Gaza campaign is legal, ethical and necessary (straight) / Strains in Egypt-Iran ties affect Gaza aid (thehindu)

Welt: 63 percent of Americans oppose war in Afghanistan (cdream) / Bulgaria's border police capture 18 illegal immigrants (novinite) / Drone strikes lead to disaster in Pakistan (uruk) / Guantanamo is 'a piece of hell that kills everything'; a bleak New Year message from Yemeni prisoner Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif (uruk)
Arabische Welt: Egypt bomb kills 21 at Alexandria Coptic church (bbc) / Palestinian leader in Lebanon urges unified response to any Israeli aggression (AP) (brandonsun) / Tunisia's inspiring rebellion (gdn) / Report: US in secret talks with Syria over peace accord with Israel (dpa) (haa) / Egypt officer shot dead in clashes with smugglers (maan)

WikiLeaks: Many Arab officials have close CIA links: Assange (cdream) / Pentagon whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Julian Assange is not a terrorist (demnow) / WikiLeaks: US frustrated with Egypt military (ynet)

Irak: Bradley Manning: one soldier who really did 'defend our freedom' (antiwar) / Friday: 1 Iraqi killed (antiwar) / Iraq Body Count 2010: how many died and who was responsible? (gdn) / Four polygamous families with congenital birth defects from Fallujah (scribd)



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