Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011031399

International Headlines [13.03.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: The Itamar victimization dance is disgusting (972mag) / Israel can no longer pretend there is no Mideast conflict (haa) / The Itamar massacre and Bibi's trap (haa) / AIPAC's latest strategy (huffpo) / Permanent temporariness (lrb)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Settlers torch Palestinian car in Tel Rumeida (palsolidarity) / The village of Awarta faces repression from soldiers after attack on settlers (palsolidarity) / Israeli forces fire live ammunition in Wadi Hilweh (silwan) / Yishai: Israel must build 1,000 new units in settlements for every person murdered (haa) / Settler attacks against Palestinians escalate (maan) / Israel announces massive settlement expansion (maan) / Army: Palestinian detained with Molotov cocktails (maan) / Settlers throw Molotov cocktails at cars in Nablus (maan) / Armed Jewish settlers savagely attack Palestinians in Hawara (pal-info) / Israeli troops attack Palestinian worshipers at Aqsa Mosque (pal-info) / Video: Israel destruction of Jordan Valley (ytube)

Politik - Diverses: AJC urges UN General Assembly president not to screen 'Miral' (yahoo) / Binyamin Netanyahu calls on world to act after killing of Jewish settlers (gdn) / UN officials concerned over new settlements (maan) / Intervene to halt settlement - PLO (morningstaronline)
Gefangene & Kidnapping & Erpressung: 3 youth arrested in dawn raid on Hara Wosta (silwan) / Undercovers try to recruit Silwan's children in the role of informants (silwan) / Hamas appeals to Ukraine for release of engineer (maan) / Palestinians forgotten in European jails (pal-info) / PFLP slams PA security for arresting its cadres in Nablus (pal-info) / Hamas members summoned by PA militias following death of settlers (pal-info) / Video: Missing Palestinian probe in Ukraine not satisfactory (presstv)
Aktivismus & BDS: COSATU supports call for termination of U Johannesburg relations with Ben Gurion U (aic-news) / Palestinians, Israelis, allies oppose exploitation of LGBT rights at Berlin's international tourism fair (aic-news) / Freedom Flotilla 2 calls upon governments for protection of its citizens ( / Settlement products seized in Hebron (maan) / Danish security group G4S drops West Bank services ( / Video: Solidarity visit, tree planting, and protest vigil in Al-Arakib (ytube)
Belagerung: Gaza: First wheat deliveries through Kerem Shalom (maan) / UNRWA sit-in to expand to Gaza City from south (pal-info)
Diverses: How to friend an Israeli soldier (maan)
Täter des Itamar-Überfalls: Israeli TV: Settlement attack linked to Hamas (maan) / Gaza gov't: Settler attackers may not be Palestinian (maan) / Group denied involvement in settler attack (maan)
Der Itamar-Überfall: Palestinian Popular Committee response to Itamar incident (aic-news) / Series of security failures led up to West Bank settlement attack (haa) / 'Blue-and-white' operation to apprehend terrorists (jpost) / Rally: Havat Gilad led to Itamar massacre (ynet) / Palestinian incitement: Jews receive 'Der St ürmer' depiction (ynet) / Israel distributing Itamar massacre photos (ynet) / Itamar: Cypress trees that hid terrorists to be uprooted (ynet) / Thousands attend Itamar massacre victims' funeral (ynet) / Israel demands CNN apology over attack coverage (ynet)

Irak: Saturday: 9 Iraqis killed (antiwar)



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