Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011030399

International Headlines [03.03.2011]

International HeadlinesPolitik: Israel: No Palestinian peace deal possible now (boston) / PLO envoy tells US Jews: Peace process must lead to Palestinian state (haa) / Diplomat: I can no longer represent Israel (ynet) / Israel's envoy in Jordan reprimanded (ynet) / PA: 150 states to recognize Palestine by September (ynet) / Obama: Israelis must show seriousness on peace (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Netanyahu's promise to dismantle illegal outposts is a big step backward (972mag) / Rightists march in Jaffa and go on the attack in the West Bank (972mag) / Facing up to Jewish nationalism and racist violence / Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana (ei) / Jerusalem Post describes a Jewish settler throwing Molotov cocktail into a Palestinian house as 'vandalism' (mweiss) / Rightists launch 'day of rage' over West Bank outpost demolition (haa) / Dozens of Palestinians injured in clashes with police in Jaffa (pal-info) / MKs: Probe outpost evacuation (ynet) / Op-ed: Above the law in Samaria (ynet) / Disobedient settler gets jail time; rightists plan 'day of rage' (ynet) / Palestinians: Settlers set car on fire near Ramallah (ynet) / A peek into settlers' war room (ynet) / 'Day of Rage': Tires torched near Jerusalem (ynet) / PA: World must act on settler violence (zawya)

BDS: #BDS: 'Doors' members breach the Palestinian BDS call (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Greek PM: Zionism and the IMF's last best friend (youthanormalization) / #BDS: IAW in NYC Coordinating Committee statement on the cancellation of our "Party To End Apartheid" by the LGBT Community Center (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Israel and cultural normalization (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Israel recruits citizen advocates in Europe (youthanormalization) / #BDS: alQaws and Aswat statement to the LGBT Center in NY (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Lucy Liu breached the BDS call and visits Israel (youthanormalization)
Aktivismus & BDS: US students face jail time for disrupting Israeli official's speech (ei) / Is entertaining dictators worse than normalizing apartheid? / Nada Elia and Laurie King (ei) / Bringing Galilee Jews (ynet) / #BDS: How can we not boycott Israel? It's the very least we can do (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Israel Philharmonic orchestra has role in Israeli apartheid (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Israel should be given the South African treatment (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Palestinian queers for BDS: It is your business (youthanormalization) / #BDS: 500 artists against Israeli apartheid (youthanormalization) / #BDS: AIDS (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Event: Boycott Israel conference: will Scotland lead the way? (youthanormalization) / #BDS: Report on Seattle protest of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (youthanormalization)
Rassismus: Jerusalem prosecutor reduces charges for suspect in racially motivated killing (haa)
Flüchtlinge: 'Refugee revolution' set for March 15 (maan)
Kriegsverbrecher: Israel examining ways to protect IDF troops from legal action (haa)
Gefangene: Hamas: 2 affiliates detained by PA (maan) / UN to act on Palestinian inmates' plight (presstv)
Diverses: Treasury to raise Holocaust survivors' rent (972mag) / Hamas arrests wanted global jihad militant in Gaza (haa) / Hamas says reports of weapons in Egypt false (maan) / Gaza banks strike after robbery (maan) / IDF drivers arrested for anti-tank missile theft (ynet)
Belagerung & Unfreiheit: Sole operating crossing opens for aid delivery to Gaza (maan) / Mid-checkpoint duty, Israeli soldiers stop for local snack (maan)
Vergeltung: Gaza fighters: Projectile fired at Israeli military tower (maan)

Palästinenser & Ägypten und Libyen: Egypt releases 12 Palestinian detainees (maan) / 'Arabs will protest like Egypt over social workers' strike' (ynet)
U.S.A.: Palestinian's 'Bruno' lawsuit moved from DC to NYC ( / Video: Republican congressmen join Islamophobic hate rally in California (mweiss)



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