Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011022899

International Headlines [28.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Documentary on Tel Aviv school, Strangers No More (haa) / In Netanyahu's bunker (haa) / Will Palestinians topple govts if rivalry continues? (maan) / Protecting Palestine through cultural heritage (palmon) / A crazy prophet (gush-shalom)
Politik: US Palestinian community to PA -- 'You're fired' (mweiss) / Israel's Barak: Must look beyond risks (yahoo) / Netanyahu wary of new international efforts in peace process (haa) / MK Ahmed Tibi: Israeli Arab leaders who visited Libya didn't back Gadhafi (haa) / Fatah sets new standards for cabinet selection (maan) / Hamas' Mash‘al to attend funeral of Turkey leader (maan) / Hamas quashes small pro-unity rally in Gaza (trust) / DFLP calls on Hamas, Fatah to take lessons from Arab revolts (uruk)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Golan residents recall their Tahrir (alj) / Army orders home demolitions in Hebron and Jerusalem (pnn) / Colonists attack Arab vehicles after evacuations near Nablus (gulfnews) / What if Israeli forces treated West Bank settlers like Arabs? (haa) / Eight settlers arrested in clashes with police in illegal West Bank outpost (haa) / Sewage without borders (haa) / Tel Aviv to build affordable housing for Jaffa's Arab residents (haa) / Netanyahu slams settlers for illegal outposts (jpost) / The continual struggle of Al-Arakib (palmon) / Settlers: 15 injured in Havat Gilad (ynet) / Rightists trying to block Jerusalem intersection (ynet)

Aktivismus & BDS: Knesset softens anti-boycott bill (ynet)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Mixed Arab-Jewish cities in Israel: not separate and not equal (972mag) / Can't we all just get along - separately? (haa) / Settlement leader rejects demands to fire Israeli Arab bus driver (haa) / School rejoices in Oscar win (ynet)
Gewalt: Israeli airstrike hits Palestinians (alj) / Analysis: Concerns over rising violence in West Bank (irin) / Israeli artillery fire injures 2 in Rafah (maan) / Palestinian worker shot and killed in northern Gaza (maan) / OPT: IOF injure Palestinian civilians collecting scrap north of Beit Lahyia town (relief) / Palestinian children affected by armed conflict: new UNICEF report (uruk)
Belagerung: 2 Gaza crossings open for limited imports (maan) / Video: Intl. activists help Gaza recover from war (presstv)
Diverses: Football Palestine: So that Palestinian athletes can travel freely (footballpalestine) / Palestinian girls to play football in Sri Lanka (asiantribune) / Gaza medical centre performs ground-breaking surgery (mideastmon) / Gaza interior minister calls on Ukraine to trace missing Gaza man (pal-info) / Hamas rejects teaching holocaust in Palestine schools (pal-info)

Ägypten und Palästina: Barred from travel to Egypt (maan)
Mittlerer Osten: Briton jailed in Iraq for killings (alj) / Sunday: 6 Iraqis killed (antiwar) / Oman protesters unmoved by sultan's offer (cnn) / Yemen opposition rejects calls for unity government (cnn) / Revolutionary Arabic entertainment news (kabob)



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