Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011022499

International Headlines [24.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: In Israel, the revolution has already begun (haa) / An irresponsible rabbinate (haa) / People get ready -- there's a train a-comin' (jpost) / In Gaza: Jeans, hookah, a bike, my rights? (paltelegraph)
Politik & Diplomatie: Only four MKs vote to annex West Bank (jpost) / 2,000 rally in Bethlehem to end rivalry - clashes erupt at checkpoint (maan) / Gaza govt may postpone cabinet reshuffle (maan) / Thousands in Nablus rally against US veto (maan) / PLO leader: Hamas loyal to other countries (upi) / MKs chide PM in stormy Knesset debate (ynet)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Israel destroys hundreds of West Bank olive trees to lay settlement water line (mweiss) / Vanishing East Jerusalem: EU must use association council to ensure Israel respects international law (aic-news) / Israel destroys agricultural lands near Salfit (maan) / Knesset debates bill to abolish the status of Arabic as an official language in Israel (mideastmon) / Thursday of rage in Negev to protest Israeli demolitions (pal-info)

Aktivismus & Solidarität: Warsaw palm tree sculpture wears kuffiyeh in protest of Jerusalem annexation (mweiss) / Adalah-NY: New Yorkers protest Israel Philharmonic for whitewashing apartheid, protests planned in other US cities (palsolidarity) / #BDS: Free Palestine rap song (youthanormalization)
Gefangennahmen & Deportationen: Israeli troops arrest 13 Palestinians during West Bank invasions (pnn) / Evangelist Church bishop faces deportation out of Jerusalem (pnn) / Gaza man released from Israeli prison after 7 years (maan) / Israeli internal security officers accused of 'attempted rape' of a child prisoner (mideastmon) / Israel's Mossad is accused of kidnapping a Palestinian engineer in Ukraine (mideastmon) / Report: PA arrests 200 Hamas men in January, 3 (pal-info)
Gewalt & Zusammenstösse: Ashraf (salem) / Fighter killed by army fire in Gaza (imc) / Israeli strikes hit Gaza overnight (maan) / Dozens treated for breathing problems in Shufat night clashes (pal-info)
Belagerung: Two Gaza crossings open for goods transfer (maan)
Diverses: Israel bars AIC, independent journalists from Jerusalem press conference with Chilean miners (aic-news) / Thailand scrape narrow win (bangkokpost) / Fisherman from Gaza shot to death at Jaffa port (haa) / Israeli intelligence blackmails Palestinian workers (pal-info)
Vergeltung: Grad rockets fired at Be'er Sheva for first time since Gaza war (haa) / Netanyahu: Israel will not suffer the bombardment of its citizens (haa)

Palästinenser und die Revolte: Israel to let 300 Palestinians return to West Bank from Libya (haa) / Islamic Jihad slams 'criminal' Gaddafi regime (maan) / Breaking the siege of Gaza is high priority for Egypt's young revolutionaries (mideastmon) / Hundreds of Gazans stranded at many int'l airports due to Egyptian restrictions (pal-info)
U.S.A.: US judge dismisses defamation lawsuit by former AIPAC official (haa)
Syrien & Irael: US lawmaker, Syria's Assad working to renew peace talks with Israel (haa) / 4 nuclear sites found in Syria (ynet)

Irak: Iraq oil exports highest since Saddam: ministry (yahoo) / As war ebbs Baghdad blast walls start coming down (yahoo) / Wednesday: 3 Iraqis killed (antiwar) / Iraqis rally through social media in 'day of rage' (trust)



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