Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011022099

International Headlines [20.02.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: What Egypt's revolution means for Palestinians (gulfnews) / Book review: Our mysterious man on the Nile (jpost) / Listening Post - The Palestine Paper fallout (ytube)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: NY congressman concerned over security on Mount of Olives, East Jerusalem (972mag) / The real lesson of the tomb (haa) / Panel to consider applying Israel law to settlements (jpost) / Witnesses: Israel demolishes tents in West Bank village (maan) / Settlers uproot 220 olive trees near Nablus (maan) / Jewish settlers attack Palestinian village (pal-info) / Settlers attack Bedouins in Al-Aghwar (paltelegraph)

UNSC zu israelischen Siedlungen: Israeli activists protest US veto in front of embassy in Tel Aviv (972mag) / It's official: America's role in the Mideast is over (972mag) / Thank you, Mr. President (972mag) / Hamas says US veto of UN settler vote 'outrageous' (yahoo) / Deputy FM: Anti-settlement vote proves UN is a rubber stamp for Arab nations (haa) / Peres calls Abbas to discuss peace process in wake of failed UN settlement resolution (haa) / PA to call urgent UN session over settlement resolution veto (haa) / Barack Obama has joined Likud (haa) / 'Obama can go to hell', says Arab MK on UNSC vote (jpost) / Ghassan Al-Masri: US veto 'diplomatic terrorism' (maan) / Palestinians will not spurn US despite veto: Abbas (reuters) / 'Clinton threatened to cancel aid to PA' (ynet) / 'Israel's isolation may affect financial ties with Europe' (ynet) / A Pyrrhic victory in the UN Security Council (gush-shalom)
Aktivismus & BDS: Novelist Ian McEwan plays for both teams in East Jerusalem (972mag) / Israeli army targeting children in Beit Ummar (jodana) / 13 boys arrested from playground after army represses Beit Ommar demonstration (palsoli) / Ian McEwan to accept Israel book award but criticize occupation (gdn) / Child, Beit Ummar mayor wounded in weekly nonviolent protest (imc) / Protesters: 7 detained in Ramallah village (maan) / Army shuts down anti-wall rally (maan) / Turkish flotilla victim's father to seek legal remedy in US (worldbulletin)
Gewalt & Verhaftungen: Israeli police injure 5 Palestinians in brutal attack in Jerusalem (wafa) / Silwan teenager released from several months' detention (silwan) / Hamas: Efforts ongoing in Shalit swap deal (maan) / Israeli forces release 3 Gaza fishermen (maan) / Palestinians jailed in Egypt announce hunger strike demanding freedom (pal-info)
Belagerung: Action Alert: Tell Egypt to open Rafah Crossing (palsolidarity) / Rafah crossing to open for Gazans to enter Egypt (maan)
Diverses: New website debunks anti-Israel charges via Q&A (jpost) / Haniyeh invites prominent cleric to Gaza (maan) / 1st ever Bnei Menashe officer in IDF makes history (ynet) / AG: Probe of Left violation of basic rights (ynet)
Politische Entwicklungen: Confusion over Suez ship crossing (alj) / Palestinian PM: Hamas can keep Gaza if it joins unity cabinet (haa) / WikiLeaks: Bahrain FM planned to meet Israeli officials in support of peace process (haa) / Eckstein: Social issues will explode here (jpost) / Yousef: Hamas, Fatah at risk from regional turmoil (maan) / Israel eyes Iranian navy move 'with gravity' (maan)

U.S.A. & U.K.: Michigan mosque plot suspect's criminal past (yahoo) / Saturday: 5 Iraqis killed (antiwar) / Afghan leader says US bases depend on neighbors (trust) / Factbox: Civilian casualties in Afghanistan (trust) / Factbox: Security developments in Afghanistan Feb 19 (trust) / Guantánamo prisoner to help prosecute others (trust) / US entering direct talks with Taliban: report (trust) / UK: Muslim airport worker says denied job interview (ynet)



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