Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011012999

International Headlines [29.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers - Reaktionen: Dahlan suspected of leaking documents, Abbas thinking of resigning (abna) / Gaza protests accuse Palestinian Authority of betrayal in talks with Israel (gdn) / Al Jazeera leaks - who are the winners and losers? (haa) / The Guardian Mideast editor: Nothing in the Palestine papers smacks of forgery (haa) / Israel will never get a better deal than the one it rejected (haa) / The real Palestinian concession (haa) / PA official denies involvement in assassination (maan) / Backlash, confusion over leaked documents (maan) / Palestinian officials analyze fall-out of Palestine Papers (maan) / Al Jazeera why now? (maan) / Islamic Jihad: Resistance over negotiations (maan) / Palestinians protest over Al-Jazeera leaks (maan) / Friday sermons in West Bank slam Al-Jazeera (maan) / Erekat: Special committee investigating Al-Jazeera leaks (maan) / The Palestine Papers: A fact-based play in one act (salon) / Fear and the Palestine Papers (uruk) / The Aljazeera scandal (zope.gush-shalom)

Analyse & Meinung: Boycotting Israel, boycotting Macy Gray, and a third option (haa) / It's not just the economy, stupid (haa)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Golan Heights activist: "We dream of freedom" (ei) / B'Tselem indicates rise in home demolitions in 2010 (imc) / Photos: Brutal arrest of Palestinian children by undercover Israeli forces Jan 28 18:54 (silwan) / Photos from Ras el-Amoud area of Silwan Jan 28 (silwan) / Earlier photos from Baten el_Hawa area of Silwan Jan 28 (silwan) / Clashes spread to Anata camp (silwan) / Youth aim Molotovs at soldiers on occupied roof (silwan) / Jerusalem man sentenced to 30 days of exile (pal-info) / Lafta residents outraged at plan transforming hundreds of dunums of land (pal-info) / Israeli army reopens Shu`fat checkpoint (paltelegraph)
Siedler & Verbrechen: Two Palestinians in Safa shot by settlers (jodana) / Mourners, Israeli troops clash after West Bank funeral (yahoo) / Autopsy on teen slain by settler completed (maan) / Iraq Burin closed after settler shoots farmer (maan) / Teen shot by settlers dies in hospital (maan) / Palestine complains to UN over Israeli settler violence (maan)
Aktivismus & Solidarität: Al-Ma`asara marches for killed Iraq Burin man (jodana) / Israeli forces blast peaceful protesters with sewage water in Bil`in today (mweiss) / Witnesses: Army fires tear gas at US (maan) / Bil`in weekly demo 29.1.2011 by Haithmkatib@... (ytube)
Kriegsverbrechen: Movie based on Gaza flotilla raid opens in Turkey (haa) / Slain activist's parents thank Turkey (hurriyetdailynews) / Amnesty: Israel's flotilla probe a 'whitewash' (maan)
Gefangene: 2 minors arrested in West Bank village (maan) / PA security agencies arrest seven Hamas supporters in West Bank (pal-info) / Political prisoner Ahmad Sa`adat update (uruk)
Belagerung & Menschenrechte: Cyprus FM: Israel rejects Cyprus-Gaza aid link (jpost) / Israel closes both Gaza crossings (maan) / UNRWA: Qaddafi foundation has not transferred funds (maan) / Gaza: Improving services for the physically impaired (relief) / GCC through the Islamic Development Bank joins UNRWA in Gaza housing project (unrwa)
Diverses: 'Don't take our girls...' (alj) / Report: Hamas leaders to discuss Shalit deal proposal in Syria (haa) / Report: Holocaust compensation group withheld over a billion euros from Jewish survivors (haa) / Sons and daughters - but not exactly (haa) / Little recourse for victims of gender-based violence (irin) / Egyptian forces kill 3 migrants en route to Israel (maan) / PA agricultural ministry to distribute 3 million tree seedlings (maan) / Kosher version of YouTube hits Web (ynet) / Report: Holocaust survivors face increasing financial difficulties (ynet)

U.S.A.: British arrests, US raids over cyber hackers (dstar) / WikiLeaks rival operational soon (dstar) / US Democrats and pro-Israel lobbies slam Republican senator's call to halt Israel aid (haa) / Backlash after firing of pro-Palestinian professor (salon)
Palästina, Israel und Ägypten: Palestinians wait, watch events in Egypt (maan) / Egyptian security: 12 killed in Bedouin skirmish at Gaza border (maan) / Palestinian security men deployed along border with Egypt (pal-info)
Tunesien: Police destroy protest camp at Tunisian prime minister's office (dstar) / Clashes in Tunisia as new government sworn in (AFP) (maan)
Jemen: New protests erupt in Yemen (alj) / Saleh complains about Al Jazeera coverage of Yemen unrest (dstar)
Jordanien: Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood: Arabs will topple US-backed tyrants (haa) / Thousands of Jordanians march to press for reform (maan)
Saudi Arabien: Saudi police arrest dozens rallying over weak infrastructure after floods (dstar)

Irak: Iraq water shortage raises ethnic tensions (yahoo) / Friday: 4 Iraqis wounded (antiwar) / Iraq refugee returns fell in 2010 (dstar) / Refugees in Lebanon receive wider, cheaper access to hospital services (relief)
Iran: Iran's first nuclear power plant to be ready April 9 (dstar)



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