Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011012799

International Headlines [27.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers: In the interview on Aljazeera, the host, Ahmad Mansour, started the show by asking `Urayqat to not lie (angry) / A glimpse into the negotiation room (alj) / The threat of a one-state solution (alj) / Erekat "told Amr Moussa to behave" (alj) / "The region is slipping away" (alj) / PA's foreknowledge of the Gaza war? (alj) / Palestine Papers: Admiral Mullen says Palestinian state is a U.S. ‘cardinal interest’ after raising troop deaths (mweiss) / Israelis asked PA to outlaw Hamas: report (AFP) (yahoo) / Gaza war report was stalled by Palestinian Authority on US request (gdn) / The Palestine papers: suicide attack goads Israeli negotiators (gdn) / The Palestine papers: US envoy hears Palestinian frustrations (gdn)
The Palestine Papers - Analysen: Documents reveal PA-Israeli collaboration to target resistance (ei) / The PA vs. Al Jazeera (alj) / Palestinians: Don't Get Mad, Get Even (palchron) / Palestinian Negotiators Must Tell All (palchron) / The "Corrupt Betrayers" of the Palestinian People (cpunch) / Palestine Papers: If US can't be 'honest broker' in Middle East, get out of the way (csmon) / Ehud Olmert gives account of key meeting with Palestinian president (gdn)

Palästinsische Reaktionen: BREAKING: Palestinian students demanding democracy take over Palestine diplomatic mission in London (aliabunimah.posterous) / PA-controlled office in Gaza ransacked (maan) / Mother of slain fighter Madhoun calls for punishing killers of her son (pal-info) / Thousands march in anti-Abbas protests in Gaza (ynet)
The Palestine Papers - Reaktionen der PA: On the outburst and semi-cardiac arrest of Sa'ib `Urayqat live on aljazeera (angry) / `Urayqat on Aljazeera (angry) / The Palestine papers are a distraction from the real issue | Saeb Erekat (gdn) / Eerekat: We want to question British, French and U.S. Palestine papers whistleblowers (haa) / Erekat: Former CIA agent, EU official are responsible for leaking Palestine papers (haa) / PA condemns 'inciting and deceptive campaign' (maan) / PalMedia office vandalized after Al-Jazeera uses studio (maan) / Fayyad set to take Al-Jazeera to court (maan) / Mahmoud Abbas asks Egypt to mediate with Qatar "to stop defaming the PA" (mideastmon) / PA compels West Bankers to go on protests against Al-Jazeera (pal-info)
Politik - Diverses: US, Jordan seek resumption of Mideast peace talks (AP) (yahoo) / Israel reprimands Irish envoy for upgrading Palestinian mission to embassy (haa) / PA ministers subject of corruption investigations (maan) / Fatah fighters point fingers to PA for '05 assassination (maan)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Meanwhile, in Judea and Samaria . . ., Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz (mweiss) / ‘The days of ‘48 have come again’: 15 minutes from Tel Aviv, Israel creates a new refugee camp (mweiss) / Israeli Governmnet Involvement in the Settlements (silwan) / Israel gearing up to open Silwan – Wailing Wall tunnel (silwan) / Completed tunnel 'puts lives in danger' Jerusalemites say (maan) / Palestinian tractor torched in West Bank (ynet)
Aktivismus & BDS: Mother of Bilin martyrs: we will not be stopped (ei) / Arrests and night raids: the repression of the Popular Struggle in Nabi Saleh (jodana) / Harassment in Nabi Salih: Intimidation tactics in Israel's wider strategy of expropriation (palmon)
Solidarität: ‘Anonymous’ hacker group joins the fight in the Middle East (mweiss) / San Francisco (yfrog)
Israelische Kriegsverbrecher: Israeli troops avoid jail in Palestinian shooting (AP) (yahoo) / The Goldstone Report: more important than you think (promisedland) / Israeli soldiers told to 'cleanse' Gaza - C4 News exclusive (ytube)
Gewalt & Terror: Settlers Kill Palestinian in Iraq Burin (palsolidarity) / Jewish settlers attack village (pal-info) / IOF troops advance in southern Gaza (pal-info)
Gefangene: Four arrested in village raid this morning (silwan) / Detention of Sheikh Musa and other arrestees extended (silwan) / Group: PA arrests Palestinian rights group lawyer (maan) / Hamas: PA arrested 5 West Bank affiliates (maan) / Palestinian families barred from visiting detainees before being strip searched (pal-info)
Belagerung & Menschenrechte & Besatzung: Israel reveals blueprint of desert holding facility for illegal migrants (xinhua) / Gaza’s dilemma: buildings or bread (gazagateway) / UPDATED URGENT APPEAL - Children of the Gravel (relief)
Andere Reaktionen: Mideast peace top US priority: Clinton (AFP) (yahoo)

Analyse: Arab nationalism is not dead--far from it (angry) / "Hossam el-Hamalawy (angry) / Egyptian slogans (angry) / If it comes to massacres by the Mubarak regime, the US would firmly support him (angry) / Mubarak's formula (angry) / O Mubarak (angry) / Rabab El-Mahdi, "Labor as a Pro-democracy Actor in Egypt and Brazil" ( / The Lede: Egyptian Bloggers Report on New Unrest (nyt) / ‘The American gov’t gives our dictators tear gas, but our American friends gave us Facebook!’ (mweiss) / Ian Lee, "Second Day of Egyptian Protests" (mrzine) / Mish Ayazeenu (pulse) / Shihab Rattansi lays bare US hypocrisy on Egypt (pulse) / From Tunis to Cairo? (walt.foreignpolicy) / Wael Nawara: Egyptian People Tell Mubarak OUT (huffpo) / Egyptians Defy Protest Ban, Plan big Rallies for Friday; Death toll Rises to 6 (juancole) / ‘Anonymous’ calls for attacks on Egyptian government websites (raw) / Inside Story - Is Mubarak's rule threatened? (ytube)
Proteste & Medien: Angry Egyptians defy protest ban (alj) / Egypt security forces crack down on scattered protests (lat) / Protests in Egypt - live updates (gdn) / Egyptians defy security clampdown (ytube) / Egypt's 'unprecedented' protests (ytube)
Medien & Repression: Reporter's first hand account of Egypt police brutality (ahram) / Journalists Beaten and Detained, Websites Blocked, Amidst Massive Protests in Egypt (cdream) / Egypt Targeting Reporters: Press Freedom Group (huffpo)
Verletzte Demonstranten: Tear Gas Made in the USA (angry) / One man versus security thugs (sphotos.ak.fbcdn) / Suez is a war zone (twitpic) / Egypt's day of Rage #Jan25 (flickr) / Revolt in Egypt on Flickr (flickr) / Egypt Protests: Photos Of The Clashes (huffpo)
Protest - Videos: Protesters Lock Down the Galaa bridge (egyptfreedomwar) / Scenes from the Egyptian Intifada (pulse) / Protesters torch government building (ytube) / #Jan25 Journalists clash with the police (ytube) / Suez (ytube) / Suez video: "We want our rights" (ytube) / Uprising egypt - the true story (ytube) / Protesters in Alexandria (ytube) / Amateur footage of Egyptians participating in an anti-government protest in Damietta, a town on the Mediterranean coast (ytube) / Young girl against Mubarak (ytube) / Egyptian Revolution Jan 25th 2011 (ytube) / People from #Suez are calling for help (ytube)
Bilder: Facing the regime's police force (facebook)
Internationale Reaktionen: Top US senator mum on Mubarak support (yahoo) / The US response to Egypt's protests (csmon) / Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, "Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should continue to rule his country "with wisdom and far-sightedness he has always done..." (expatica) / Israel eyes events in Lebanon and Egypt neighbours with concern (monstersandcritics) / UPDATE 1-Arab officials say reform only answer to unrest (trust) / US shifts tone, bluntly urges Mubarak to reform now (trust)
Revolution in Ägypten: Egypt: Reports of Police Brutality, Arrests and Live Ammuntion (globalvoicesonline) / Egyptians calling for a 1 MILLION march All over egypt after friday prayers which end at 1pm share,Retweet,forward (twitter) / Amnesty International: Egypt must stop crackdown on protesters (amnesty) / Walk like an Egyptian on #jan28 (artificialeyes) / Egypt must change (bbc) / Egypt stocks down, protester morale up as they prepare for Friday (csmon) / Egypt charges 40 protesters with trying to overthrow regime (haa) / Egypt: Arresting record number of women (lobelog) / Egypt protesters set fire to govt building in Suez (trust) / Hundreds held in Egypt protests (ytube)
Jemen: The Lede: Video of Protests in Yemen (nyt) / Inspired by Tunisia and Egypt, Yemenis join in anti-government protests (washpo) / Five injured, dozens arrested in Yemen anti-gov't protests (xinhua) / Anti-government protests erupt in Yemen (ytube)
Libanon: Hariri to NYT: “Whoever Killed My Father Doesn’t Want Me in Power” (alm) / Saudi Editorialists Criticize Hariri: It’s Not World’s End! (alm) / The Lebanese Army (angry) / Syria supports gov't representing Lebanese people's will: official (xinhua)

Irak: Two foreign ministry officials killed in Baghdad (xinhua) / Wednesday: 6 Iraqis Killed (antiwar) / Iraqi refugees find limited aid in US (AFP) (yahoo) / Car bomb at Iraq funeral kills 37 (bbc)



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