Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011012699

International Headlines [26.01.2011]

International HeadlinesThe Palestine Papers - Analysen: Leaks claim Palestinian 'collusion' (alj) / A letter to the Israeli people (alj) / The truth that the ‘Palestine Papers’ has broken into the mainstream: Israel is the obstacle to peace (mweiss) / Palestine Papers: Israel's Peacemakers Unmasked, Jonathan Cook - Nazareth (palchron) / The Palestine Papers: Offering Palestine (palchron) / Diana Buttu on the Palestine Papers - Diana Buttu on the Palestine Papers (palestinetoday.tumblr) / Palestine papers: More nations floated for Palestinian resettlement (csmon) / Possible source of Palestine papers leak (csmon) / The view on the ground of the Palestine papers | Laila El-Haddad (gdn) / The Palestinian cause has been betrayed. But no more | Osama Hamdan (gdn) / Robert Fisk: A new truth dawns on the Arab world (indp) / Al-Jazeera becomes focus of leaked documents debate (maan) / Clayton Swisher - Al Jazeera's Palestine Papers Specialist (ytube)

The Palestine Papers - Reaktionen: Gaza govt: PLO not authorized to negotiate for Palestinians (maan) / Arab villagers 'don't want to live in Palestine' (ynet)
The Palestine Papers - Reaktionen der PA: Nablus Governor Calls for Anti-Jazeera Protests on Thursday (pnn) / The Lede: Police Reportedly Joined Jazeera Protest (nyt) / Al-Jazeera leaks a 'boring soap opera': Abbas (AFP) (yahoo) / Al-Jazeera leaks part of plot to topple PA: Erakat (AFP) (yahoo) / Abbas welcomed home as hero while Qatar denounced (yahoo) / Erekat: Al Jazeera's 'vicious smear campaign' puts my life in danger (haa) / Defiant Abbas says he's on 'right path' (ynet)
The Palestine Papers & Cables: ‘The Palestine Cables’: WikiLeaks exposes Egypt, PA cooperation with Israel during Gaza assault (alexbkane) / Refugee rights of little concern to PA (ei) / PA questions Tony Blair's role (alj) / Erekat: "I can't stand Hamas" (alj) / The al-Madhoun assassination (alj) / Demanding a demilitarized state (alj) / MI6 offered to detain Hamas figures (alj) / Qurei: "Occupy the crossing" (alj) / Blair's counter-insurgency "surge" (alj) / Cutting off a vital connection (alj) / Dayton's mission: A reader's guide (alj) / Palestine papers: Mohammed Dahlan (gdn) / Palestine papers: Shaul Mofaz (gdn) / Palestinian refugees rule out compromise on return to homeland (gdn) / PLO urged Israel and Egypt to do more to prevent Gaza smuggling (gdn) / The Palestine papers: a blueprint for security (gdn) / The Palestine papers: 'I’m not coming from Mars!' (gdn) / US embassy cables: Israel discusses growing number of terrorist attacks (gdn) / US embassy cables: Israel weighs up Palestinian aid (gdn) / 'Palestinian Authority closely coordinates security operations with Israel' (haa) / Palestine papers show Netanyahu vowed not to link Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adumim (haa) / Rice: US Army Presence In Iraq Protects Israel (jpost) / Pressman: One Leaked Document on the Annapolis Process (juancole) / Controlling the mosques (ytube) / The Palestine Papers: Secret talks over a Jewish state (ytube)
Analyse & Meinung: On Gen. Shishakli: the post of the day (angry) / Obama Is Looking for New Ideas in All the Old Places (endtheocc) / Irish republican bent-knee episode of 1922 suggests that P.A.’s weakness could have virulent consequences (mweiss) / Ignorance is a blessing: UK Jewish leaders cancel trip to West Bank (promisedland)
Politik - Diverses: Israel worries over possible EU states' recognition of Palestinian state (xinhua)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: Demolition orders in Khirbet al Tawil (stopthewall) / Ma'aleh Adumim mayor demands Netanyahu build West Bank corridor immediately (haa) / 'Demolition of Palestinian homes in West Bank's Area C tripled in 2010' (haa) / Palestinians say new Jerusalem tunnel will damage Temple Mount (haa)
Kriegsverbrechen: Turkey releases report on flotilla incident (csmon) / No more cancer: Israeli Army admits Jawaher killed by tear gas (onlydemcy) / Hamas denounces results of Israel`s investigation into flotilla raid (maan) / Knesset member calls Turkel Report "professional and moral scandal for Israeli judiciary" (mideastmon) / Begin: Don’t probe MK Zoabi over Gaza flotilla (ynet)
Gewalt & Gefangene: An-Nabi Saleh Popular Committee Leader Beaten (imc) / Palestinian detainee in coma (maan)
Belagerung & Diskriminierung: New Campaign in Israel: "Kosher" Certificate to Businesses that Employ Only Jews (alternativenews) / Goods – Needs Vs. Supply – Dec 26 – Jan 22 (gazagateway) / Industrial Fuel – Needs Vs. Supply – Dec 26 – Jan 22 (gazagateway) / Israel denies PLC official permission to travel (maan)
Diverses: U.S. says U.N. expert should be fired for Sept 11 remarks (Reuters) (yahoo) / 'Chastity Squad' member sent to prison for store attack (ynet) / Peace activist's murderer released (ynet)

Revolution in Ägypten: Aljazeera and Egypt (angry) / O Mubarak (angry) / Live updates: Opposition groups protest on Police Day (ahram) / Egypt anti-govt protests escalate (alj) / Thousands of Egyptian protesters clash with police (lat) / Cairo ... tonight (friclub) / Egypt: The January 25 Demonstrations in Photographs (globalvoicesonline) / Arab world waking from 40-year sleep? (justworldnews) / Obama plays catch-up on popular movements in Egypt and Tunisia (mweiss) / The meaning of today’s events in Egypt (mweiss) / Today in Egypt (mweiss) / Hisham Omar Abdel Halim, Maha Bahnasawy, Mohamed Ismail Ghaly, Nashwa el-Hofi, Mary Joseph, Adham Khorshed, and Mahmoud Metwally, "Egypt: The Day of Wrath" (Videos) (mrzine) / Egypt's protests (csmon) / Demonstrators calling on soldiers to join them. This is AMAZING. (twitpic) / AP: A demonstrator defaces a poster of Egyptian President Hosni (twitpic) / MB: We didn't participate in Tahrir Square demonstrations (almasryalyoum) / #Jan25 Mansoura protesters smash NDP office (arabawy) / 'Remarkable scenes' at Cairo protests (bbc) / A dam breaking in Egypt (csmon) / Thousands Protest in Egypt in Largest Popular Challenge to Mubarak in 30 Years (demnow) / Picture: The scene at the protest at the Lawyers Syndicate in Cairo (enduringamerica) / Egyptian demonstrators hold up placards ( / Protests in Egypt and unrest in Middle East – as it happened (gdn) / Egypt protests: 'We ran a gauntlet of officers beating us with sticks' (gdn) / Egyptian anti-government protests – in pictures (gdn) / Twitter BLOCKED In Egypt As Demonstrations Turn Violent (huffpo) / Egypt forbids Protests a Day after it was Shaken by Thousands of Demonstrators, 3 Killed (juancole) / This Time, Protestors Outnumber Police in Egypt (kabob) / Cairo erupts as Egyptian protesters demand Mubarak resign (raw) / Fourth Egyptian dies as a result of protests (trust) / Egypt's unstable regime (washpo) / Egyptian Rap Against the Regimes (ytube) / Tear Gas in Tahrir (ytube) / Chasing the Egyptian riot police (ytube) / The First martyr in Egypt : Mustapha Rajab Mahmoud (ytube) / Thousands join Cairo protests (ytube) / Police attack @ 1:20am in cairo, egypt (ytube) / Journalist 'trapped and beaten' in Egypt (ytube) / Anti-Govt Protesters Tearing Pictures of the Egyptian Dictator (ytube) / Two Egyptian protesters, one police officer killed in anti-govt. protests (ytube) / Gamal Mubarak reportedly flees Egypt, Longtime president’s son once seen as likely successor ( / Must see picture: Tahrir square taken over by protesters (yfrog)
Tunesien: US efforts in Tunisia (angry) / US: Tunisia example can spur reform (alj) / Tunisia seeks arrest of ex-leader (alj) / Tunisia protests turn violent (alj) / Hassan Nasrallah (mrzine) / Juan Cole: The Corruption Game: What the Tunisian Revolution and WikiLeaks Tell Us about American Support for Corrupt Dictatorships in the Muslim World, Juan Cole (huffpo) / Tunisia's military 'will protect revolution': army chief: Video report (ytube) / Tunisian politicians meet amid protests (ytube)
Proteste in anderen arabischen Ländern: Yemen protests urge leader's exit (alj)
Libanon: Dictionary definition of Chutzpah: from the State Department's spokesperson (angry) / Majority rule in Lebanon (angry) / men in shirts (angry) / Mini-Hariri self-destructing before your eyes (angry) / Lebanese IDIOT in Beirut ...earlier today (friclub) / Day of Hypocrisy (qifanabki) / Sayyed Nasrallah: We are a Resistance Not Power Seekers (vineyardsaker) / Nasrallah: Naming of Mikati chance to unite (dstar) / Protesters' assaults on media draw condemnation (dstar)
Irak: Blackwater suit tossed 7 years after grisly deaths (AP) (yahoo) / Iraqi journalists face sacks of gold, fists of fire (Reuters) (yahoo)



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