Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011012200

International Headlines [22.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: In the line of duty (haa) / British double standard on recognizing Palestine lets Israel off the hook (mweiss) / Why did Rahm Emanuel take his family to the occupied Golan last spring? (mweiss) / Free speech, Caroline's glitch, and other Jerusalem Post ditties (972mag) / Israel: the ugly truth (uruk) / Who's afraid of the Palestinians? / Hussein Agha & Robert Malley (nybooks) / Can the PA tackle corruption? (ahram) / Israel's first step to Mideast peace: opening the door (haa) / Palestinians find freedom in the surf of Gaza (maan) / The beautiful life in Gaza (mweiss)
Politik & Diplomatie: French FM continues regional tour in Egypt (maan) / EU 'deplores' Israeli violation of activist rights (maan) / UN chief: Settlements hamper peace talks (ynet) / UN urges halt to ugly Israeli-Palestinian rhetoric (yahoo) / Israeli tribute to Palestinian Authority support 'confirms threat to West Bank Palestinians' (mideastmon) / Direct Palestinian-Israeli meeting predicted (mideastmon) / After failed peace talks, US aid to Israel questioned (minnpost)
Siedler & Landraub & Ethn. Säuberung: IOA bars Palestinians from prayers at Ibrahimi mosque (pal-info) / Clashes in Shufat enter their third day running (silwan) / Resumed clashes in Silwan (silwan) / New life for Tabitha (haa)

Aktivismus & BDS: Activism roundup: Israeli forces fire at demonstrators (ei) / Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (uruk) / With eyes on Gaza (hindustantimes) / Controversial judge defends human rights at Stanford (paloalto.patch) / Vigil pays tribute to thousands killed in Gaza Strip (dailytargum) / Censorship prevents 'deranged individuals' from seeing ads on Israeli war crimes (endtheocc) / Artists playing Tel Aviv should insist on Palestinians attending Noam Sheizaf (972mag)
Terror & Kriegsverbrechen: Themethodicalshooting of boys at work in Gaza by snipers of the Israeli occupationforce / David Halpin (uruk) / Israel using expired tear gas on Palestinians of East Jerusalem (silwan) / Gaza family remembers grandfather killed by Israeli bullet (ei) / Believing in peace, even after the unthinkable / Joseph Berger (nyt)
Gefangene: Israeli troops seize 10-year-old from the streets of Silwan (silwan) / Zahhar: Shalit case sensitive for politics (maan) / Palestinian political prisoners in Israel - Adalah series (uruk) / Court date set for Palestinian charged for insulting president by Facebook image (google) / Hamas: PA continues to carry out political arrests (maan)
Belagerung & Menschenrechte: Israel allows wheat into Gaza (maan) / Gaza workers rally against crossings closures (maan) / New equipment is lifeline for Gaza blood bank (pnn) / Germany welcomes Israeli approval of Gaza sewage works (monstersandcritics) / PA to increase support for poor families (maan)
Diverses: 1 dead, 2 injured in blast east of Gaza City (maan) / Gaza births down 6 (maan) / Audio: Palestinian cyber activists push for change (theworld) / In West Bank, work to save stunning mosaics (mysinchew)

Tunesien: Tunisia's Muslims worship freely after revolution (trust) / Tunisian media enjoy freedom (trust) / Tunisia to pay abuse victims, hunt Ban Ali clan (yahoo) / Tunisia PM vows to quit after polls (alj)
Libanon: Lebanon Druze leader Walid Jumblatt sides with Hezbollah in crisis (lat) / Geagea: Hezbollah will turn Lebanon into another Gaza (yalibnan)
Mittlerer Osten: It's not just Tunisians who are hungry (ei) / The Tunisia Effect: taking stock of Yemen's future (muftah) / The Power of One: the Tunisian 'revolt', neoliberal economics, and a new paradigm for political action (muftah) / Algeria's midwinter uproar / Jack Brown in Algiers (merip) / Protesters clash with police in Algerian capital (trust) / Iran defiant at nuclear talks (alj)
U.S.A.: N. Va. teen who was on no-fly list tells of his ordeal in Kuwait (washpo) / Lawsuit: Federal prisoners with 'unpopular political beliefs' isolated, abused (truth-out) / Guantanamo tribunals may resume (alj) / Prisonerdescribespeaceful protest in Guantanamo on the anniversary of Obama's failure toclose the prison as promised (uruk)
WikiLeaks: Video: 'US was cheerleader for Gaza massacre' (presstv)



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