Institut für Palästinakunde
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Start / Gesellschaft / Medien (Archiv 2011) / 2011011900

International Headlines [19.01.2011]

International HeadlinesAnalyse & Meinung: Democratic for Jews, Jewish for everyone else (jodana) / Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and the silence of friends (mweiss) / ‘Goldstone’ becomes a punchline on the Israeli Supreme Court (mweiss) / Now Jennifer Rubin says that ‘J Street’ is anti-Semitic (mweiss) / State Declaration: The Palestinians’ agonizing choices (mweiss) / Zionist Left Writes Its Own Obituary (palchron) / PA Institutions Essential to Occupation Infrastructure (palchron) / Helen Thomas on the perils of criticizing Israel in the US media (pulse) / Who will be the next to recognize an independent Palestinian state? (haa) / Obama Depicted As Bin Laden, Orthodox Jew On T-Shirts In Jerusalem (VIDEO) (huffpost) / Israel’s Right Wing Future (infoclear)
Politik: Palestinians raise flag at Washington office (AP) (yahoo) / U.S. push for Israeli, Palestinian intelligence: WikiLeaks (Reuters) (yahoo) / Israelis see Barak's Labor exit as ploy to keep job: poll (dstar) / Foreign Ministry sanctions save Netanyahu, Lieberman from coping with Russia's slap in the face (haa) / Law allows Israel to arrest Gaza man minutes after his release (pal-info) / Shin Bet: Palestinians moving to no man's land around Jerusalem (ynet) / Barak's move enrages Arab Labor members (ynet)

Aktivismus & BDS: Finland shopping for "battle-tested" Israeli weaponry (ei) / Canadian B’nai Brith suggests The Bay is practicing boycott without saying so (mweiss) / Two Years after Operation “Cast Lead,” we demand accountability (deminaction) / Report: Olive Harvest 2010 (stopthewall) / Holding fast to the land in Bethlehem (stopthewall) / Flotilla planned to mark anniversary of deaths in Gaza waters (dstar) / WZO Settlements Division Back With Netanyahu (imc) / Presbyterian Groups Call on U.S. Department of Justice to End Subpoenas on Dissenting Activists (religionnews) / Israel Targets Free Gaza Movement with Repulsive Propaganda (salem)
Terror & Kriegsverbrechen: Clashes continue in Bir Ayyub (silwan) / Special forces target Silwan (silwan) / Troops stationed throughout Silwan (silwan) / Police chief patrols Silwan (silwan) / Israeli Racism (sjlendman) / Family of slain Palestinian seeks murder charge (AP) (yahoo) / GazaDoctorIzzeldin Abuelaish Two Years After Israeli Attack That Killed 3Daughters & Niece: "As Long As I Am Breathing, They Are With Me. IWill Never Forget" (demnow) / Israel drops investigation into police shooting of Palestinian (lat) / another Palestinian (maxajl) / Palestinian worker hit in IOF shooting (pal-info) / Israeli police raid Bedouin school (pal-info)
Gefangene: The Deadly Experiment – Israel's Murderous Testing Ground for 'Non-Lethal' Weapons (endtheocc) / Soldiers Kidnap 14 Members Of Fateh (imc) / Jerusalem police detain son of prisoners' rights activist (maan) / IOF kidnap 18 Palestinians in W. Bank (pal-info) / PA militias kidnap four citizens including three school students in W. Bank (pal-info) / Palestinian prisoner paralysed after Shabak administered unknown substance (uruk)
Menschenrechte: Through the Looking Glass – Five years in Students for Justice in Palestine (mweiss) / Palestinian military prosecutors vow to stop arresting civilians (haa) / Interpal Replies to Report on Blacklisting of 163 Foreign Charities (imc) / Tunnel worker dies of burns sustained in accident (maan) / 400 Gazans endangered as vital medicine nears depletion (pal-info) / Gaza Strip runs out of cooking gas (pal-info)
Rassismus & Diskriminierung: Israeli Arabs earn less than Jews despite working longer hours (themarker) / Racism In Jewish Schools; “A Dead Arab Is A Good Arab” (imc) / Voices Beyond Walls (palmon)
Welt: Western media and Angry Arab (angry) / Seymour Hersh unleashed (foreignpol) / For the Arab world, the revolution will be televised (lat) / ElBaradei: West hyping perceived atomic threat from Iran (dstar) / Turkey still keen on joining E.U. despite European obstructions: senior official (dstar) / US Embassy Cables: : US advised to sabotage Iran nuclear sites by German thinktank (gdn) / Military strike on Iran is what unites Netanyahu and Barak (haa) / Military to probe allegations unarmed Afghan teen was killed (ottawacitizen) / Libyan news agency makes rare criticism of the army (trust) / Iran Has Evidence Of US Computer Attack (voa)
Tunesien: Colonial nostalgia and lying (angry) / The first Arab popular Revolution: all Arab deposed dictators flee to Saudi Arabia (angry) / The Saudi plan for the Islamization of the Tunisian Uprising (angry) / Swiss to freeze Ben Ali funds (alj) / Tunisian unity government loses 3 opposition figures (lat) / The Lede: Tunisian Blogger Joins Government (nyt) / Tunisia PM 'quits ruling party' (bbc) / Anthony Shadid in Beirut: Tunisia Has "Electrified People Across the Arab World" (demnow) / Egypt-Based Political Analyst: "The First Lesson from Tunisia is that Revolution is Possible" (demnow) / Juan Cole: Tunisia Uprising "Spearheaded by Labor Movements, Internet Activists, by Rural Workers; It's a Populist Revolution" (demnow) / Tunisian Opposition Activist: "Is Democracy Possible in the Arab World? Tunisians from All Around Tunisia are Saying 'Yes'" (demnow) / Man threatens to torch himself in front of PA building (maan) / Tunisia leader 'barred from politics' while in Saudi (maan) / After Tunisia, ‘electrified’ Arab world sets sights on brewing revolt in Egypt (raw) / Seventh Algerian sets herself on fire (raw) / UK government blocks release of Blair Iraq notes (signonsandiego) / Obama, Egypt's Mubarak discuss Tunisia (trust) / Exiled opposition leader returns to Tunisa (ytube)
Libanon: Jumblatt Says Bellemare Underestimating People (alm) / Hizbullah's plan for dealing with the Hariri tribunal (angry) / Sa`id Hariri prostrates before Prince Muhammad Bin Nayif (angry) / US ambassador in Lebanon (angry) / Saudi ends Lebanon mediation, says country at risk (Reuters) (yahoo) / Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah via Al Manar Channel on 16-1-2011 (vineyardsaker) / Nahhas denies sending bodyguards to surround office of ministry director (dstar) / Hariri's office: Al-Jadid leaks target ties with Saudi prince (dstar) / South Lebanon council bans inflammatory posters (dstar) / Hizbullah stages show of force in Beirut (dstar) / Tribunal will seek international cooperation to apprehend accused (dstar) / Residents on edge following day of tension in Beirut (dstar) / March 14 blasts Hizbullah's muscle-flexing (dstar) / Aluf Benn’s violence-serving narcissism is stereotypical of Israelis (hybridstates)
Diverses: Abbas: East Jerusalem is Our Capital and We Will Not Negotiate for It (pnn) / Tzipi Livni cancels trip to SA (eyewitness) / Jerusalem set to rule on fate of accused Bosnian collaborator (haa) / Rights group claims reform victory over PA justice system (maan) / Al-Quds University seeks Israeli recognition of dentistry faculty (maan) / Prosecution: Charge Rabbi Elon with indecent acts (ynet)



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